The 30 Day Song Challenge
And so we come to the end: Day 30.
The older I get, the more I think about my past. Never with regrets, but sometimes with disappointments.
I once heard that drinking and using drugs affects your memory, that it is becomes difficult to remember the past. I have not found that to be the case. i can remember detailed accounts of events that took place decades ago. Sadly, I have difficulty remembering yesterday!
I am a big fan of music and the older I get, the broader my tastes become.
If you knew me in 1977, you would find it hard to believe that in 2011 I would own quite a few Joni Mitchell albums, and almost all of The Beatles. In 1977, I scoffed at country music unless it was Johnny Cash or Bobbie Gentry. I knew nothing about opera except that I didn't like it.
I just realized that "You favorite aria" is missing from this 30-Day Challenge.
Although I listen to new music, and am exposed to the poppiest and most bubble-gummiest of all new releases thanks to a 7-year0old daughter with a television, I tend to listen to a lot of music from the past. The Music Of My Life, if you will; or, as I referred to it when my mother was my age: "The Music Of My Death"!
I have grown deeper appreciation for songs from all genres of my past: folk, disco, country, and other forms of pop. Today, I know that The Mamas & The Papas and The 5th Dimension were much more sophisticated singing groups than I realized in the late-60s and early-70s. I get it now why people like Joni Mitchell and Neil Young (and although I won many records of the former, I have not yet developed a real appreciation for the latter). I can't get enough country music to satisfy me . . .
But back to the singers. Harmonies. Harmonization.
Well, let's just cut to the chase! Grazing In The Grass, by The Friends of Distinction was my fave song last spring: