Monday, September 11, 2006

Remember September 10th

It's so easy to remember the horror that is September 11, 2001.

If I remember correctly though, September 10, 2001, it was a fantastic day. I walked from Chepstow Place to the Notting Hill Gate Central Line Tube Station, it was cool enough that the trains were of a bearable temperature. I got a coffee and sticky thing at Starbucks, sat at my desk and worked too many hours in the London office.

I got home late and watched television with my wife. Probably Big Brother, or the such.

I had an early night then started the entire routine the next morning: shower, walk to tube, get coffee, sit at desk, log-on to computer.

The day was like any other day. I was chatting with Leeza on AIM. It was after lunch.

Leeza asked if I could see a TV, that something was going on. A plane crash at the World Trade Center.

I walked down the corridor to a small conference room where a colleague had set-up a television. A jet had hit one of the World Trade Center buildings and the building was ablaze.

I went back to my desk and told Leeza I would be in touch later.

Back to the television, calling down the hall to the managing partner who was trying to conduct business in the midst of the excitement.

"They said the Pentagon's been hit," I called to him. Then another jet hit the other WTC building. I screamed. People were rushing through the hall to the televisions. I made my way downstairs to the main conference area where most of the London staff was gathered around a television watching the fire.

It seemed we stood there for an eternity when the first tower collapsed.

I screamed. I yelled, "No!" and I ran from the conference room to my desk to call my wife. She also worked for an American company in London and their office was filled with televisions broadcasting the horror.

I remember little more.

All flights were halted in England. You could hear the occasional helicopter making its way across the City.

Everyone was on the phone trying to reach New York. Nobody succeeded. It was terrifying.

Businesses in London and Paris began shutting down and sending their staff's home. Nobody knew which city would be next.

This was the crime of the century.

I do not remember leaving work or making my way home. But when I arrived home we spent every minute glued to the television and calling all over the USA trying to get news of friends in New York.

My wife had worked on Wall Street and this assignment to London was the only reason we were not in Manhattan.

Over the next couple days we got reports of people missing, people not heard from, people who made it out.

A good friend worked in a building across the street, and she has only said that she can't talk about it.

I remembered all this last night while trying to get home through lower Manhattan. Ground Zero is much safer now than this day five years ago. The President and his posse of assholes and family had invaded New York and required that New Yorkers be inconvenienced so he could defraud his voter-base in a 'silent memorial.'

No elected official, from George Bush to Michael Bloomberg, Hillary Clinton or Chuck Schumer, George Pataki or Bill Clinton, should be allowed to pay their respects. That band of liars and cheats have destroyed America and the crime committed at the WTC five years ago is rooted in their complicity with the oil cartels of the Mideast.

Texas oilmen and their New York lawyers are destroying America. How dare they defile the memory of the World Trade Center with their lying, insincere exhibitions.

Honor the victims of 9/11 by ignoring the President and those who support him.

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