Monday, May 08, 2006

"I've Always Been a Yankees Fan"

That is my favorite lie from the forked tongue of Hillary Clinton!

This is the book jacket for Thomas D. Kuiper's I've Always Been a Yankees Fan: Hillary Clinton in Her Own Words, one of many books about Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton. For someone who insists she is only thinking about her re-election campaign this year, Clinton has attracted the attention of conservative authors offering a host of new books aiming to slow her path to the White House. (AP Photo)

I am embarrassed that I share a position with neocons, but they are correct about one thing: Hillary Clinton Must Be Stopped! I don't care about her march to the White House, I want her to lose her job as the junior Senator from New York.

Clinton has done nothing for New Yorkers. She is a midwestern conservative, votes a straight republican line, and does not represent the views of even the most conservative New Yorkers.

Please help remove her from office!

Dick Mac Recommends:

The Decline and Fall of the American Empire
Gore Vidal

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