Friday, March 10, 2006

Losing Your Team.

As a sports fan, I have watched innumerable franchises pack-up and leave town for more verdant pastures. One team even packed-up in the middle of the night and drove out of town without telling anybody! My heart always goes out to the fans, the supporters who have been abandoned.

An odd thing has happened to me. My MetroStars have been sold to the manufacturers of a grossly unsafe and despicably marketed hard-drink product and the new owners have renamed the team after the product.

I always thought MetroStars was a terrible monicker. What is a MetroStar? A Metro is a subway system. So was my team the Subway Stars? New York's former soccer team was the Cosmos, which was a great nickname. I wish the team had simply been called the Stars, or Astros, or Cosmos, or Soccer Giants, or anything that was an actual word.

I have not purchased my season tickets for 2006, and I think I may not. The team plays in a crap venue which is a long way from my home. The front office seems to have no clue how to use the talent and they never get far in the playoffs. Now this embarrassment. It might just all be too much now.

Picture Nicked from Official Site
MetroStars sold and renamed (Yahoo! article)

MetroStars Sold (official site)

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