Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Saxby Chambliss and a Toxic Christmas

by DM

Republican incumbent Saxby Chambliss won a run-off election to retain his seat as a Senator from Georgia, dashing hopes for a Democratic 60-seat super-majority in that House of Congress.

The victory was a landslide with initial results placing the count at 57-43.

This is a minor setback as America tries to wrangle itself from the strangle-hold of supply-siders who have run our nation, economy and society into the ground.

Saxby's victory means another voice in Congress to support the continued dismantling of our government and the gutting of our oversight agencies.

Chambliss represents the people who can take pride in the distribution of children's toys loaded with lead and other poisons.

In their avaricious desire to minimize the size of government (without minimizing its cost, of course), Chambliss and his ilk have gutted agencies that might have tested imports from China and other nations (as well as unregulated companies here in the United States), and stopping the distribution of unsafe toys to our daughters.

Healthy Toys, a Michigan nonprofit group, reported that one-third of the toys tested were found to have significant levels of toxic chemicals. While products made in China were often found to have higher lead levels than those made elsewhere, a toy's "Made in the USA" status was no guarantee that it was lead-free.

Survey Finds Toxins In 1 Out Of 3 Toys Tested

If Chambliss and his ilk have their way, Christmas will be safe for nobody but manufacturers and retailers. Profit first, politics second, and people a distant third, is what we get time and again from Republicans. And this Christmas is no different. Wear the mantle of the Christus and espouse a bunch of neo-religious rhetoric, but be certain to profiteer at every opportunity, irrespective of the conflict between the spiritual notions of religion and the goal of getting more at the expense of others.

I am not convinced that the new Administration will do much to stem the dissolution of the American Dream that supply-siders wish to do away with. Obama is selecting a bunch of Clintonians who love supply-side theory as much as (if not more than) Ronald Reagan did. Obama is a Wall Street dream and it will be up to us to keep him in check as his friends at the banks expect him to do their bidding.

I do have hope that Congress will take corrective action, however.

I also hope that the Chambliss victory is an isolated puff from the engine of Reaganomics as it huiffs to its demise.


Republican Wins Runoff for Senator in Georgia

Healthy Toys is the private agency trying to do the work our government should be doing, but Republicans and other supply-siders don't want anyone interfering with the free flow of commerce, even if it's poisonous.

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