Tuesday, September 04, 2007

"Well, where I come from . . . "

According to Associated Press reporting on a new season of the television show "The View,"
Whoopi Goldberg used her first day on the daytime chat show Tuesday to defend football star Michael Vick in his dogfighting case.

Goldberg said that "from where he comes from" in the South, dogfighting isn't that unusual.

"It's like cockfighting in Puerto Rico," she said. "There are certain things that are indicative to certain parts of the country."

Well, where I come from, husbands beat the shit out of their wives and children, but we consider it morally repugnant and criminal. Just because it was being done by a bunch of Irish Catholic drunks who were used to doing it and figured it was OK, doesn't mean it was OK. Beating a wife or a child is wrong and is condemned.

I have always been a big fan of Whoopi Goldberg, so her defense of dog killing is a bit odd to me. I am hoping it is being taken out-of-context, and I sure hope she isn't defending him just because he's a rich black guy; because, no matter what Michael Vick thinks about dog-fighting and the torture and murder of dogs that goes along with it, dog-fighting is really bad.

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