Monday, November 23, 2009

Works For Me! News Corp. Wants To Pull Content From Google

by Dick Mac

News Corporation, parent of Fox News, might be the single corporation most responsible for the death of the news industry as a source of actual information. The head of the company uses his control of media outlets as a porpaganda tool, not an unbiased news agency. I do my best to avoid his companies. It's next to impossible to completely avoid the News Corp. empire, however, especially since they purchased and The Wall Street Journal; but, we can make every effort.

News Corp. has implemented a right-wing agenda to manipulate the media that is duly impressive. Many of the more political outlets, like Fox News, run at a loss because the mission is not to make money but to shape the news and public opinion.

Many people don't know that Fox owns Fuel TV, National Geographic, and Speed. However, if you spend a day watching the National Geographic station, you will see that they are creating shows about war and crime that really don't fit the historic model of the National Geographic magazine.

I do my best to keep my television off of the News Corp. stations, I have never purchased the New York Post, and the myspace account I once used so much lies dormant.

I admit that I rely almost exclusively on News Corp.'s Fox Soccer Channel for my access to soccer broadcasts. News Corporation's international reach (the head of the company is from Australia and has successfully entered the British communications market), allows it to provide soccer programming that its closest rival, Disney (who owns ESPN) is struggling to play catch-up in that market (the largest sports market on the planet).

In a recent interview, the head of News Corporation said that he was considering a move to block Google bots from accessing News Corp. servers and signing an exclusive contract with Microsoft to provide access to that content through it's new search engine

This move will make my research much easier. If every news and information result from a News Corporation outlet was blocked from my Google searches, I would get a better list of results and I would not have to sort through the resulting articles as intensely, to avoid lies from New Corporation sites.

It is my sincerest hope that the powers-that-be at Google tip their hats to News Corporation, and say "It's been nice working with you, but see ya later alligator!"

I hope we all encourage Google to let News Corp. isolate itself, and I look forward to Fox being left out in the cold when goes the way of other Miscrosoft failures.

Doing the Math on News Corp.'s Threatened Google Block

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